Sample Agreement

Buyer Representation Agreement
Buyer representation has been an increasing trend over the past decade. It is beneficial for you to seek a Realtor who will represent your best interests throughout the real estate transaction process.
A Buyer Representative is a real estate agent who will use their professional real estate knowledge to work on your behalf and promote your interests in a real estate transaction. This representation relationship allows your agent to search for housing on your terms, present and negotiate offers on your behalf, disclose all material defects to a property or concerning the transaction in which the agent has knowledge, confidentiality in personal and financial matters, and more. These benefits include:
- Locating suitable properties
- Previewing properties
- Verifying the property's condition
- Suggesting necessary inspections by experts
- Helping buyers determine what they can afford
- Verifying property taxes and utilities
- Verifying the value of the property
- Advising clients on structuring and offer
- Presenting the offer to the seller's representative
- Negotiating favorable contract terms
- Explaining legal documents needed for closing and helping secure them
- Assisting in securing financing
- Assisting buyers and their attorney in clarifying title, zoning, building codes, and access easements
- Referring buyers to qualified vendors
- Analyzing the future salability of the property
It is essential that you have a clear understanding of your relationship with your Realtor and establish expectations early. We suggest you talk with your agent about the benefits of Exclusive Representation and how this agreement can greatly enhance your buying experience.
Why enter into an Exclusive Representation Agreement?
- A clear conversation about service expectations
- You have someone representing your best interests
- Establish confidentiality with your information